Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Meet the Staff - Boys Soccer Head Coach Todd Keenan

Todd Keenan has been a teacher, advisor, and coach at Gahanna-Lincoln High School since 2002.  He currently teaches students the enlightening subject of Advanced Placement Psychology.  In addition to being the Head Coach of Boys Soccer, he is the co-advisor of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

In Coach Keenan's first year as Head Coach, the boys soccer team earned OCC Champion and District Champion honors with a final record of 15-2-3.  Prior to being head coach, Coach Keenan previously served the boys soccer program as Assistant Varsity, JV-Gold, and JV-Blue coach.  He spent many years coaching with the local club Gahanna Futbol Club and Gahanna-New Albany Futbol Club.  Coach Keenan played soccer at Otterbein University, where he earned Academic honors.

Coach Keenan and his wife of eleven years, Bridgett, have two children, Landon (10) and Brooklyn (8). 

Coach Keenan's favorite part about coaching the team is the sense of family that the program has developed over many years. 


To respect and acknowledge what those before us have accomplished by demonstrating strong character today to continue to build for a better program tomorrow


To foster development of each player into a respectful, hard-working, cooperative, and disciplined young man.


To develop stronger, faster, healthier soccer players.

To develop technically proficient soccer players.

To develop tactically sound soccer players.


To get better as a team every single day.

Earn Shutout every game, Win OCC, Win District, Win Regional, Win State Championship

Monday, July 8, 2013

Get To Work

"Whenever you start - give it your best.  The opportunities are there to be anything you want to be.  But wanting to be someone isn't enough; dreaming about it isn't enough; thinking about it isn't enough.  You've got to study for it, work for it, fight for it with all your heart and soul, because nobody is going to hand it to you." - General Colin Powell

Two stone cutters were asked what they were doing.  The first one said, "I'm cutting this stone into blocks."  The second one replied, "I'm on a team that's building a cathedral."

With any journey that you embark upon, it starts with a dream perhaps, then some preparations - blueprints and goals in order for you to achieve that dream and then the final most important step is work! 

As this summer reaches its midpoint for the start of the fall seasons, we have teams and athletes hard at work.  Yet there are still those that haven't yet committed to the work.  Well, your time of preparation is over.  It's time for you to go to work!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Make the Jump!

There are 3 types of people:
Those who MAKE things happen,
Those who WATCH things happen,
And those who say "WHAT HAPPENED?"
Which one are you?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lesson For Today's Agenda

I've struggled to simply put a title to this blog post, so perhaps this that I chose "Lesson for Today's Agenda" might inspire me to write more lessons, or simply settle for this one - as it sums it all up!  I guess we'll see.

Let me just state this fact first and foremost - what I'm about to write about has to do with high school athletics, a game, not life and death nor an event or events that are going to change the course of someone's life, love or happiness.  It's not the most important thing we will do in our lifetime, but perhaps we allow it to be the most important thing we're doing in this moment.

So, in recent weeks we have seen a number of bonehead decisions / choices carried out by a number of our student-athletes.  Those choices have cost them the opportunity to be a part of their team, to compete along side them, to fulfill the goals that the team had set, and in some instances cost them the respect of their peers, coaches and community.  It's certainly not of any criminal extent in which other programs might have gone through or are going through, but it's important and meaningful nonetheless to us, our program, our teams.

I always ask myself questions when things like this occur and I've found myself asking those very same questions in this instance as well.

(Q) What could we have done better / differently?
(A) Nothing.  We can talk, explain, discuss and instill fear into them until we are blue in the face, but we cannot hold their hands when they walk out of this locker room.  One that would be quite ackward - kind of like the Volkswagon commercial...the test drive is over, can we head back to the dealership now?

(Q) What about their parents?
(A) Perhaps they're answering the same as we did above, we cannot be everywhere all the time; they have to grow up sometime; they made their bed, they have to sleep in it.  I think about my young sons now - I tell them "that's not ok", but I can't stop them from doing it when I'm not around them, I simply have to try to prepare and sometimes react after the fact.  Yet, I think about my mom growing up...before cell phones - she seemed to have one of the most extensive GPS Monitoring Systems I've ever experienced before they were even invented - like a honing beacon that was attached to me and my brothers at all times.  She knew exactly where I was, when I was there and what I should not have been doing.  It was scary amazing!

(Q) But the most meaningful question and the Lesson For Today's Agenda of our youth is WHY?
(A) Our students / student-athletes / youth of today are growing up in a society where they don't believe nor understand that it's not all about you!  We have enabled this belief through select and club athletics, where if you don't like a particular piece of the program, you can simply jump ship and find a team or program that is better suited for your agenda.  Parents have enabled this belief by simply giving in to their childs requests by simply handing over that new iPhone 57, iPad or even cash - to gain approval or acceptance from our kids without one ounce of responsibility or the thought of you having to "earn" it. 

We have failed to educate our students / youth that it's not always going to be about your vision, your dreams, or your goals.  That to get the opportunity to pursue your own dreams, you will almost certainly have to succeed in achieving the dreams of others. 
That's what being a teammate is all about! 

Our youth of today don't appreciate or understand that for most of your life, both personally and professionally you will be asked to champion a vision that you didn't create!  Our youth today would much rather ignore it and do their own thing than buy into the vision set by someone else - a coach, teammates, parents, or family.  Championship teams and teammates are those that wholeheartedly accept a vision that they personally did not create, their choices and decisions are made in the sense of the team first and not their temporary immediate gratification, and when those championship teams and teammates are around, they are willing and eager to help accomplish the visions and goals of others before their own.  Yet it's amazing to see that they wind up accomplishing their own goals along the way.